Random Photos, April-June 2024

Black and white image of vinyl record collections and twin turntables.

Much of what I’ve been doing outdoors of late has been documented to some extent – mucking about with the Hunter Cub, doing Twistybutts and all that, so I thought I’d post a few random photos from the last few months that were just out n’ about on two wheels – often on the ‘Cub, but also out on the bicycle and of course the Tracer.

Odd highlights

I went over to Miura one morning (and a bit), and somewhat accidentally found a track up to a wetland area with some nice hiking trails which was a bit of a laugh, and so much easier on the Cub than my other two wheeled vehicles. All of this because I got talking to some people about a shrine I was taking a photo of. If I ever upload the video you can also appreciate the brand new and quite spacious toilets en route!

You know those places you pass through so often, but you don’t actually stop? Well for me some of those are actually have nice gates and hanami (cherry blossoms) areas, so as I passed one whilst preparing for the Twistybutt, I stopped, ambled around a little bit, took some photos and enjoyed taking the Cub around a car park which was basically sparse woodland.

I also like to stop for a drink now and then, and generally at smaller, non franchised places, and I always like those that have a bit of an individual hook. The photo below here was in a nice organic fruit juice place, but at night, it turned into a bit DJ relax bar at night apparently.

Next was a shisha / hookah bar. First time for me, but these seem to have become pretty popular in and around Tokyo over the last few years and a friend recommended this one, which took us to a rooftop in western Tokyo. Very nice it was too.

The last two photos are a bit of art (likely) that I wasn’t expecting, and then a bit of political graffiti, which is also quite rare in Japan – though it’s not about Japan, because that would be even more unusual.

So there they are; obviously there was more going on, but it’s a question of time, and much of my non riding time has been mucking about on mods, and other travel plans for the future. There’s also a gallery here, so have a look at a few more.

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